2023 GYA membership call is open until 15 September 2022

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Dear Sir or Madam,
Our 2023 GYA membership call is open until 15 September 2022 (18.00 UTC).
Applications are sought from young, independent scholars who combine the highest level of research excellence with a demonstrated passion for delivering impact.
The GYA is a global organisation that places a high value on its diversity. We encourage applications from all qualified candidates. All applicants receive consideration and will not be discriminated against with regard to race, colour, ethnicity, religion, creed, sex, marital status, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental disabilities, or other factors. We aim to avoid that any single institution is overly represented in our membership. We especially encourage women and applicants from different minority groups, and from diverse disciplines including the natural, physical and social sciences as well as the arts and humanities and people working in government, industry, and non-governmental sectors to apply.
More information on how to apply, as well as our online application form can be found here: 
About the Global Young Academy:
The vision of the GYA is science for all; science for the future, and its mission is to give a voice to young scientists and researchers around the world. The GYA, founded in 2010, is an independent science academy of 200 outstanding early- to mid-career researchers from six continents who are selected from across disciplines based on their academic excellence and commitment to engage with society. GYA members serve five-year terms, and the GYA presently counts members and alumni from 100 countries. The GYA administrative Office is publicly funded and hosted at the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. The wide array of GYA activities are supported by a range of international public and private funders.
Each GYA member is expected to participate in the Annual General Meeting (AGM; the 2023 AGM will be held from 5 June – 9 June 2023 in Rwanda) and to actively contribute to one or more of the organisation’s programmes. This includes participation, e.g., in policy development, promotion of the National Young Academies, or promoting science and education at the international level.

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Help us reach outstanding young scientists around the globe: Spread the word and share the call with your networks until 15 September 2022.

Kind regards,
Franziska Güntner

Franziska GÜNTNER |Financial and Membership Officer

Global Young Academy
c/o German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Emil-Abderhalden-Straße 37
06108 Halle (Saale)

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